14 July 2010


back from greece - had the most amazing time! it's horrible to now be back in the rain, and its also so difficult to find clothes to wear. how do you show off a tan without being cold in this weather?!

I feel like i have walked into autumn and in turn with has lead me to buy my first "transitional" piece. Yes, and its camel.

admittedly, if i had seen this last year i would have sneered at its mother like connotations - but it is surprisingly chic (providing you channel it a la mad men)

3 July 2010




22 June 2010


I got sent a press release the other day with the most amazing eyelashes I have ever seen. Admittedly I'm not sure they would go down particularly well in an Essex town on a Thursday night - but a girl can dream! I expect they could also warrant a  Georgia Nicholson "knocked out by my boy entrancers" style sticking together - but when they look this good I guess that's a risk one is willing to take!

(Iris £125)

(Hestia £150)

The Opulence Collection for Eylure have been designed by catwalk jeweller of the Year Kirt Holmes and are available from Harrods. How would you wear them?



i have just come across the most AMAZING festival ever!
it's called Vintage at Goodwood and it is basically a festival themed around vintage clothes, so every day there is the chance to buy from a different decade! PLUS music (paloma faith, the buzzcocks, the damned -old skool!), and fun things like photobooths i wanna go so bad!

here is the website here: http://www.vintageatgoodwood.com/home.aspx

and ok, so it may not be as hardcore as glasto, but it certainly looks like a jolly good time! (and i'd much rather be drinking tea than strongbow...)


17 June 2010


literally the best shoes ever

(edit: they are dsquared2)
i cant remember where i found this picture but i am in love
(i have also noticed i seem to have a shoe fetish)

8 June 2010

lets get creative

as you know i am revising and thus creativity levels are the in minus numbers!
however vice magazine (i'm part of their bloggers network) showed me somthing today which has inspired me, after my exams, to channel my creativity :)

vice have teamed up with intel and they are going to be running a series of events and things over the summer so keep checking back here as i will certainly be following the progress:

"The core idea sprang from a dinner conversation between Vice’s Shane Smith and (excellent) film and video director Spike Jonze. Jonze asked Smith what he would do if he could do anything he wanted, with no financial constraints. Smith said his dream was to launch something along the lines of 1920s salons in Paris, where writers, artists, musicians and playwrights gathered to exchange ideas, resulting in a rich cultural cross-pollination." - sounds exciting doesn't it!


and because i fancy mark ronson a little bit here is the link to his special video for the creators project
look out for more new talents soon


7 June 2010

shopping list #4

yummy! i was delighted to find out for us UK girls that Office are now stocking Jeffrey Campbell! Next item on my wishlist and they are only £85 which isn't tooo unreasonable.


CURRENTLY: dying from revision, eating dry cornflakes in my bed and generally becoming a mess.

but on a well needed break from revision the nature of god i was sad to discover photographer brain duffy has died. if you don't recognise the name you are sure to recognise some of the photos.


2 June 2010


sorry for the lack of posting - a levels are sucking any life i previously had.
i will be back soon i promise!


26 May 2010

diary of an intern #2

the lovely ladies at YOU magazine contacted me a while back with an opportunity in my home town to work for a magazine. although they actually wanted graduates i was lucky enough to nab myself a two week internship! the magazine in question is period ideas (slightly unfortunate name my friends pointed out!) but its a beautifully done national home glossy. i'm particularly excited because as part of the experience you get a by-lined article which will be great experience and i also love a bit of interior design so it will be nice to learn about something new! i have also heard that the lovely kirstie and phil are contributors so lets hope i get a chance to chat to them and be the envy of the british population...

phwoooar, phil looks pretty fierce! xxx

21 May 2010


medusa. check. prom. check. school. check.

18 May 2010

it's the end of the world as we know it

it is a tradition that every year when the yr13's leave that there is a fancy dress extravaganza on the last day where the competition is fierce. tomorrow is that day; i am sure that the competition will be better than ever and i can't wait to see what everyone is wearing. me and my friends decided, after many arguments, to be greek goddesses and as a result tomorrow i shall be transformed into medusa. there will be gold body paint involved. 

hopefully this gold body paint will come off with ease as in the evening we have our glorious "prom" consisting of about 100 girls, and about three "fiancées" and a sea of floor length sequins and netting. needless to say i am wearing a cocktail dress (£25  fcuk limited london fashion week dress - i know i pushed the boat out) :
it is also apparently masqurade and we are thinking animal masks. i make a dashing giraffe. 
(pictures will be here soon) 

so this is it (more or less): the end of my school life forever and ever. xxx

and as a leaving present:

Follow beautifully damned

16 May 2010

shopping list #3

i want one of these daisy knights bracelets so bad!! she's a recent central st martins grad and seems to have done pretty well for herself, on net-a-porter and everything!
shame i only have £34 to last me to the end of the month...


words of wisdom

(post secret)

although i am a bit guilty of this myself some girls just need to know when short is too short!

11 May 2010

diary of an intern #1

well here is the news - i have lined up a new internship at YOU magazine, the mail on sunday supplement. you may or may not know i have worked here on to separate weeks but the lovely ladies on the features desk keep inviting me back and i cannot wait to go! i have had some really fun things to do when i have been at YOU - some of my highlights have been writing interview questions for drew barrymore (which she was asked!! - click here; its the plastic surgery one) going to the editors meetings and ferrying strictly come dancing look-a-likes around the building! they also did a feature on my with a less than attractive picture here.
so yer, i cannot wait to get back there, its great experience and being stranded on high street kensington isn't too bad either!

the only down side is the 3 and a half hour round commute! xxx

7 May 2010

gimmie a wedgie!!

i did a little lol at that title - this is how i amuse myself when a-levels strike!! i  am currently struck down with a lovely tooth infection so no drinking for five days for me. instead i am drowning my sorrow in wedges! i have been after some since about january but i'm not having much luck in finding any that i like, or can afford! but here are some of my favourites at the mo

1.kurt geiger
2.jeffery  campbell
4. topshop

whats everyones feelings on the election? it's a bit exciting isnt it!
just had some exciting news so stay tuned for that tooo...


5 May 2010

met ball 2010

i must admit i am usually not that interested in award ceremony and ball outfits; probably because i cannot take inspiration for them (me and formal wear just don't match!) However i did feel some MET Ball pictures were in order as there were a few people who looked great...and a few who didn't work it for me *errrr k-stew*

I enjoyed Katie Perry's dress, she's like a glamourous glowing jelly fish 

I really don't like this, i don't know what it is but she looks like Aladdin or something and she needs to smile!

and if course a bit of gaga, working the grey hair and looking surprisingly normal - why is it when everyone else dresses up she goes the other way?

i also would like to commend emma watson for flying the flag for us brits in a nice bit of burberry, she looked gooood.


(pictures: just jared, BFC)

4 May 2010

recent buys #1

i have been shopping too much recently. i feel with the end of school looming ever nearer (less that 2 weeks eeek!) and exams sneaking up on me i need some way to get happiness into my life- and shopping is filling that void in my life. i can only shop by myself it seems, and so my thursdays after school consist of a nomadic trek around the shops and usually a purchase (which i often find myself taking back on the saturday). it is the thrill of the purchase rather than the need for things drawing me in every time.

here are some of my recent buys:

1) cardi -new look (it looks really crappy and chavvy here but its much never in real life!) 2) hoola benefit 3) topshop bunny ears (bargain reduced for £18 to £1..they'll come in handy)

i have also recently bought some aviators and some other bits and bobs - pictures coming soon no doubt. in the mean time my latest shopping hunt is for binikis and sandals (both high and low!) so if anyone has seen anything nice fill me in.


1 May 2010

mmmmmm faaaaaashion (obviously said in a homer voice)

last week i posted about the ulrich schroder disney spread in april's spanish elle, however i think i may have found something that tops it in the realm of cartoon fashion spreads.  i have been a dedicated simpsons fan ever since i was about five years old watching it at 6 on bbc and me and my friends were singing "lisa it's your birthday, happy birthday lisa" to our friend e-lisa on her birthday (we are incredibly sad.) but this has to be the best simpsons sorta stuff i have ever seen!! Harpers Bazaar did themselves proud in 2007.



(pictures from trendland.net)
one word.

Follow beautifully damned

born in the usa

you have probably seen this karlie kloss spread everywhere - i know i have seen it on at least 5 blogs. it encapsulates what i want my summer to be and my idealised views of the usa perfectly.

(Vouge UK)

i also wish my hair would go like that...it never will.

29 April 2010


outfit posts coming soon ...
i promise

26 April 2010

micky mouse club

yes i know i have just stolen these from the topshop blog, but they are brilliant!! my personal favourite is definitely the goofy as mr lagerfeld although the donatella is pretty funny tooo. i wonder what the designers would think?

i think ulrich schroder should draw one of these of me....makes me want to go and buy spanish elle!!

25 April 2010

antiques roadshow

here is my newest purchase, it's an antique french ad from 1950, and i love it! i'm a strange collector of things like this...but now i will need to find somewhere to put it!!!

i wish i could look that fabulous in a one-piece!!

Follow beautifully damned

21 April 2010

vice vice baby

yes that's right - i'm now part of the vice blogging network

more stuff to come soon! very exciting!


19 April 2010

coachella, ella, ella

eh eh eh...

Henry and Aggy, Whitney, Dita and Katy 

who wore it best? 
i wish i looked this clean when i went to a festival...